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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Their Incapacitated Son Is Introduced To The Dog, What Followed Is Beyond My Words!

At just the age of six years, Caleb Howard was involved in a road accident that left him with multiple injuries. The injuries included broken bones, and a trauma to the head. The trauma to the head caused some brain damage. The parents were devastated and they could not believe he was going to last long. They could not also see any observable progress.
That was until someone suggested that someone could use a dog as a therapy animal for Caleb. They suggested this has proven to work for many other patients, why not try it on Caleb. This video reveals this amazing journey that man’s son took with man’s best friend.
The changes were amazing. Calm started to regain the control, of his limbs as he took care of the dog each day. The family was amazed at how quickly the recovery was happening.
This was an indication that love can actually do the giver much more good as well as the receiver. It is a great way to heal when we have someone or something to express our love to.
Please SHARE with your Facebook friends this amazing video!


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