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Friday, June 24, 2016

This Boy Comes Home With A Birthday Invitation. His Mom Is Brought To Tears By What It Says

Raising a special needs child is extremely challenging. There’s a whole lot more to consider, and the choices can be difficult on how to properly deal with certain situations.

Parents who have autistic children are always worried about overstimulation. The ability to tune things out can be very hard for the child. When there are a lot of noises going on all at once, it often can be way too much for the child to handle.
Those that understand this will try to make special considerations and create special circumstances with the autistic child’s well being and enjoyment in mind.
Seven-year-old Timothy was diagnosed with non-verbal autism when he was two years of age. Overstimulation in large crowds is one of the biggest challenges he faces.
That’s why it is often no-go when it comes to birthday parties. Usually birthday parties are a child’s delight. But not for Timothy.
Something happened recently. Timothy’s mom received a note. She was moved to tears upon reading it, and proceeded to post it online.
Here’s what she said and what brought on what she describes as her “ugly cry.”
“Yes, I was shocked that someone would take not only the time to write the note but to be considerate enough to include him with all of his difficulties. It was a wonderful moment … We parents of the ‘specials’ know only too well the hurts our kids feel when they are left out of the social gatherings relative to childhood. Organized sports, play dates, sleepovers, and yes – the dreaded birthday parties,” she says. “I want only one thing for our kids – for all kids really, and that is inclusion. All they want is to feel included and accepted for who and what they are – that different is okay … it’s just different.”
Ainsley Peikos has a son Carter who had become good buddies with Timothy. Ainsley was the one who wrote the note, wanting to ensure that Timothy could be included.
“Carter had always talked about him, so I didn’t think twice when he wanted him at the party,” Peikos says. “The only question was, ‘How could we make it work so that Timothy could come and have a great time just like anyone else?’ He came early. He went right into the bounce castle with Carter and they had a great time.”
It was the words, “Let’s make it work” that would be so important for Timothy’s mother to hear, and has since bonded them into a strong friendship.
“These few words allowed Tricia and I to develop an amazing friendship. I love knowing that one note gave her the ability to go on another day as she continues life with Timothy.”
Share this incredibly sweet and moving story with all of your friends and family!

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