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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

This kitten was beat after eating. The vet said, “only adoption or a good friend can help her now.”

Looking at this kitten doesn't just break the hearts of animal rescuers. A man from Taiwan repeatedly beat this kitten named Lord when she wouldn't obey. Kittens often nibble on their owners, a habit that goes away with age. But her owner couldn't stand it and so he beat the poor animal so hard that she had to go to the veterinary hospital. The little thing was close to death and all because of a tiny bite after she'd been fed.
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The shocking photos of this kitten were published by Spring Animal Hospital, where Lord was taken care of.
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Dr. Lin the vet was furious about the way this animal was treated, "If an owner displays physical aggression, of course the cat will bite and scratch. To hit a cat is only a short-term solution, it makes the cat more aggressive in the long-run."
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When Lord arrived in the clinic, she was showing signs of concussion: She was shaking and her eyes weren't focusing.
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She was also missing a few bits of fur from the abuse.
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The tiny being was completely terrified and was hesitant about contact with the vets. But she had a pretty serious wound on her nose that needed to be stitched up. An x-ray of her body thankfully showed no broken bones.
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The kitten was allowed to spend the night for free in the clinic. She was given a chance to recover from her trauma.
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The vets understandably refused to let the owner take this cat back home. Lord is now in need of a new home. Whoever her future owner is, has to be sure to be very cautious with her. She is scared of people and very jumpy. She'll have to learn to trust humans again; this process could be helped along by the presence of another cat.
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Dr. Lin, vet and father to a young daughter, said, "whoever is capable of doing this to animals, is also capable of doing it to people." The outrage online about how the owner mistreated his cat is huge. Many are demanding he get fined for animal abuse. We hope Lord is feeling better!

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