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Friday, July 1, 2016

Horrific: Turtle pulled from the ocean and abused by tourists

At Havana Beach in Lebanon, the tourists enjoy the serene waters and bright sunshine. But some of the animals that live there aren't so lucky. One sea turtle who was swimming by was plucked out of the ocean by tourists for no reason except for their own entertainment.
Twitter/Aubrie Foddrill
The poor animal was manhandled and stepped on while the beachgoers took photos. Even worse, some witnesses describe seeing it be repeatedly beat over the head with a stick. The organization that came to its rescue, Animals Lebanon, took in the injured turtle and found injuries consistent with the treatment described.
Victor254 News
On their Facebook page, they write: "The damage is visible and evident - the blows and trauma she suffered have broken through the top of her head, and water from the sea has reached her sinus cavities. Hopefully the x-rays can rule out further damage and the blows did not affect deeper into the skull."
The turtle is still recovering from the horrific incident, and will hopefully be released back into the wild when it heals. Let's hope this doesn't happen again!

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