Two elders of Castano Primo, in Milan, separated from the coronavirus, managed to hug each other safely after 101 days of distance. The photo that captures this moment and the words spoken by the couple will make you drop a tear.

They had never been separated all this time, yet Guido and Maria, respectively 100 and 93 years old, managed to get back together and reconcile in a long embrace that dissolved in a moment all the pain, nostalgia and fear felt in these months.
To tell this beautiful story of reunification, happiness and love is Giuseppe Pigniatiello, the mayor of Castano Primo, the place where the elderly couple lives, who made the story known on Facebook.
So we know that Guido entered a retirement home, RSA Don Guanella, shortly before the lockdown and therefore, unfortunately, he found himself separated from his wife Maria who could not go to see him or, as scheduled, become a permanent guest too in the same nursing home.
The couple, married for 70 years, had to wait 101 days before they could hug each other again and Guido, for all the long time of waiting, prayed for the opportunity to see his Maria again, with whom he always did everything together and from which he never separated.
As the mayor says, thanking Diego Colombo, RSA operator Don Guanella, for the wonderful words and the splendid photo:
“Maria has finally arrived. She got out of her children's car and on shaky legs she quickened her step, hearing the voice of her husband waiting for her in a wheelchair in the lobby in front of the church of the structure. "You have arrived" he murmured ... then the voice broke in his throat ... she lowered the mask with which she had arrived and the little miracle that can be seen in the shot occurred: the wife gently girded her hand Guido's neck, she leaned in his direction and he bent his head, resting it against her cheek ... abandoning himself to his embrace, crying in silence. There were no words to express what they were feeling ... and perhaps after 70 years together the words would have been superfluous "
The photo that captures this first hug after a long separation is really exciting and reminds us how love is capable of overcoming everything, even a pandemic. Impossible not to let down at least one tear by reading and imagining the emotion of this much-desired meeting.