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Saturday, January 29, 2022

Loyal dog insists on staying beside owner’s casket before she was laid to rest


At 95 years old, Maria Isabel Benites Chamba from Ecuador was laid to rest. Her death left her family and friends heartbroken, but one member, in particular, felt the pain of her loss more deeply.

It was Chamba’s loyal dog, Bumer. The grieving pup refused to leave his owner’s side until the very end. During her wake, organized by Funeraria Santa Rosa, the pup remained close by—just as he had done all his life.

“You could see the loyalty and affection that existed between her and her dog,” said a spokesperson for the funeral home. “He was always there with his owner.”

When the ceremony ended, people assembled in a procession to follow Chamba’s coffin to the cemetery. Of course, Bumer insisted on coming, too.

“He circled the hearse before hopping aboard as if to say, ‘I want to go and say goodbye to my mom,’” said the funeral home spokesperson. “A tremendous example of loyalty.”

Bumer was clearly heartbroken over his owner’s loss, but his endless love for Chamba was clear for everyone to see during the final celebration of her life.

Chamba may have passed away, but Bumer’s loyalty to her lives on. We can only hope that in time, the dog’s broken heart will begin to mend. Thankfully, that’s an experience he won’t have to face alone.

According to Funeral Santa Rosa, the dog was seen in the company of Chamba’s family. Surely, they will take it upon themselves to care for Bumer as a show of gratitude for his love and loyalty.

Here’s a video captured of Bumer accompanying his owner to her final abode.

Another loyal pet who refused to leave his owner’s side during his funeral is a dog named Ace.

James William Warner passed away at the young age of 22. He was described as someone who wanted to “keep a smile on everyone’s face,” so everybody who knew him loved him.

It was probably his dog Ace who loved him the most.

In a photo shared on Facebook by Warner’s mother, Christy West Warner, the dog is seen lying over his late owner’s fresh grave.

Warner was a “typical country boy” whose family raised chickens for Tyson Foods. He grew up helping breed cattle and grow row crops.

“He was just larger than life, he was just a good boy. He was so personable,” Christy said of her son.

Dogs only have their owners, so when they’re gone, it’s as if they lost everything. Worse, they won’t ever understand why the person they loved is suddenly gone—they just have to live with the fact.

We’re not sure if dogs understand the concept of death, but Ace seemed to know where his owner was during his funeral.

The loyal dog didn’t leave the casket’s side. And when Warner was finally laid to rest, he lay over his grave and refused to leave even after everyone else has. It was as though he was also grieving the loss of his human.

Christy said that Ace and Warner shared an exceptional bond. During high school, her son went to school with Ace every day. The dog waited for him in his truck. Warner also brought Ace to church and at every family function.

“This dog is so special and Will was so proud of him,” she said.

We hope for healing for the family and loyal pets of the departed.


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