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Monday, February 7, 2022

Exploited, irreplaceable employee takes revenge on unresponsive employer by taking a day off


Every company should treat its employees with care, because it is precisely on them that the progress of production depends. Underpaying and exploiting employees can be profitable for the employer, but there must surely be a limit. When will "bosses" realize the importance of each employee's contribution? When will they realize that with some extra motivation and the right compensation and support, they could get a lot more for their company? An anonymous worker told his story and about how he forced his employers to realize just how indispensable to their company he was by taking an entire afternoon off as "vacation". The employee was overworked and could no longer cope with the shifts the company gave him, so he didn't have much choice but to act in this way after his continued complaints were ignored.

via: Reddit

The employee told his story on Reddit and described his work as follows: "I work for a trucking company that produces sucrose for several food establishments in the area. My job is to wash the inside of the trailers for liquid sucrose so that they can be refilled. All of this is done by coupling the trailers to an automated washing system." Initially, the man was hired to replace an injured worker, but he soon ended up being the only employee able to do this job properly and safely. The company tried to hire two more workers who, in the end, proved completely unable to do the job. The employee, however, definitely could not cover all the shifts of workers who had been fired ... or, at least, so he believed.

In the summer months, the temperature inside the factory reached unbearably high numbers. The man soon realized that he could not cover all the shifts and keep working 90 or 100 hours a week. Confronted with his more than justified "complaints", his employers remained silent and just kept repeating "do your job, as you were told". After multiple times of hearing this off-handed response, the employee decided to take their words literally: one day, he worked from 7:00 to 15:00, exactly "as he was told" he would have to at the time when he was hired.

That afternoon, the employee clocked out of work according to the official schedule, obviously leaving a lot of tasks unfinished - tasks that some other employee should have taken care of, but which the company had not hired or put in place. That afternoon, therefore, the employee clocked out, returned home at the official time and went out with his girlfriend. The next day he went back to work at his formal start time, without any concerns. As expected, his employers and supervisors were furious: they had had to do all the grueling work he had not completed and had finished their shift only at midnight! "Strange" thought the man "they worked all those extra hours for something that I could do in 1 hour". It was clear that the employee was taking his revenge, and was in a strong position because he was aware that the company could not find other workers who could do the job properly. After being criticized and "scolded" by the employer, he replied: "Well, it seems clear to me that you are not going to fire me".

The employer was taken aback by this response and, despite the initial outburst, had to comply with the demands of their irreplaceable employee. This story teaches us how, at work and in any environment where there is an ongoing injustice, one must be an activist and fight for what is right!


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