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Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Pro-Choicer Shuts Down Pro-Lifer By Using Scientific Facts


After Alabama passed a bill effectively banning abortion, this ongoing raw debate has come into sharp focus in American politics once again. If the bill becomes law, it’ll be the most restrictive abortion law in the United States, and make criminals of any doctor that performs the procedure, even in cases of incest and rape.

Conservative commentator Liz Wheeler is a strong proponent of the law and has made it a personal mission to “expose liberal hypocrisy” concerning abortion. She recently tweeted the picture of a six-week-old embryo alongside the caption “This is “two weeks late on your period.” Two weeks late, has arms & legs forming, fingers & toes, & a heartbeat!”

Wheeler’s tweet responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, that referred to another controversial case, Georgia’s “heartbeat bill,” when saying that “Six weeks pregnant” could equal just “two weeks late on your period.”

Wheeler obviously wanted to demonstrate the advanced development of the embryo, noting its already familiar human features to invoke a sense of ‘murder’ by terminating an embryo at that stage. Twitter user Emily M wasn’t having it, though, and replied with a reasoning more in line with accepted scientific findings.

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