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Saturday, July 30, 2022

The power and wonder of genetics: 14 photos that show a remarkable resemblance between parents and their children


How many times has someone said you're the spitting image of one of your parents? Obviously, you looking like your parents doesn't just happen randomly; it's genetics. This doesn't mean, however, that chance can't play a part in building your genetic makeup; after all, the genes you inherit from your mother and father do happen at random. This means that when as a child grows up, they might not even end up looking like their mother or father. Instead, they could look like one of their grandparents, an aunt or an uncle, or even a distant relative. Or the opposite could happen: they could end up looking exactly like one of their parents, like the people in the photos we are about to share with you. In fact, some of these children look so much like their parent, they look more like twins. Don't believe us, have a look for yourself!

Father and son pictures taken 35 years apart from each other: they look absolutely identical!

image: Imgur

Like father, like son. They not only look alike, but they share the same passions!

image: Imgur

This grandson looks exactly like his grandfather!

image: Reddit

Father and son: 1984 vs. 2016

image: Imgur

Did they just take a picture of this girl and applied black and white filter? Believe it or not, one was taken in 1980, the other in 2014!

image: Reddit

1976 vs 2012: Is this a father and son or do we have a time traveler on our hands?

image: Reddit

1991 and 2013: the only difference we see here is the baby and the cat!

image: Imgur

Grandfather and grandson: we see that he definitely inherited grandad's beard!

image: Reddit

Not much difference between this grandmother and granddaughter: 1955 vs 2018

image: Reddit

No doubt that this daughter (5 years old) inherited her smile from her dad (4 years old in the photo): they are almost identical!

Everything about these two are the same, even the toothy grin!

Father and son at the same age: it's hard to tell which one is which!

image: Imgur

Caught at the same angle: who's momma Angela and who's baby Aura?

image: Facebook / Alberto Del Luca

This father and son duo are almost uncanny they look so much alike!

image: Reddit

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