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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Mom Warns Parents After Her Baby Is Severely BURNED By Something EVERYONE Has In Their Garden!

Parents are always taking precautions on how to keep their children as safe as possible. They prevent them from getting into certain places which cause danger and stray them away from objects that could cause harm. But what if it turned out that you actually lead them directly into harms way?

She is only 9 months, but this baby suffered from what most of us would not want to go through. Second-degree burns were the result of hot water in a garden hose. This mother has now been warning others about this type of danger.
Here’s what she has to say:
“I thought he was crying because he was mad, because he hates when he gets sprayed in the face. I didn’t think that it was burning him,” mom says.
It’s sad that something that was meant to be fun, ended up being very dangerous.
The mother explains further to ABC 15 News:
“It’s heartbreaking. It is. It sucks. All of it was peeling. He had blisters all over the right side. I thought he was crying because he was mad because he hates when he gets sprayed in the face. I didn’t think that it was burning him,” she said.
She wasn’t even aware of the possibility of hot water coming out of the hose.
But when outdoor temps reach 115 degrees, the water inside a hose can jack up to 150 degrees.
Capt. Larry Subervi, a Phoenix firefighter, explains:
“So at those temperatures, something as short as a 10 or 30-second exposure can result in a second-degree burn.”
Thankfully the child will fully recover. And hopefully this message gets out there so no other children have to suffer from this.
It’s advised that you touch the hose and the water before hand to test how hot it is, before you allow children to use the it.
Share this important safety information with friends and family.


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