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Thursday, September 1, 2022

16 people who created only disaster in the kitchen


At least in our lives we all decide to get in the kitchen and prepare some dishes which are really delicious and also beautiful to look at on the plate; whether there are guests at home for dinner or lunch or we are alone, it's always the perfect opportunity to get busy, open an old recipe book or consult the tutorials found on the internet: we can all become star chefs at least for a day! Still, disappointment in the kitchen is always lurking around the corner ...

Thanks to this hilarious gallery of images from users from all over the world, you will discover that it's much easier to try your hand at the stove and create real disasters than to be the creator of masterpieces worthy of the greatest culinary art of all time. Not sure? Take a look below!

It was supposed to be a quiet day having a barbecue with some friends ...

And instead it turned into an inferno: even the barbecue itself seems "surprised" by the disaster I caused!

I can't even get the pasta out witout causing a disaster

I just had to immortalize the moment in which the spaghetti fell all over the floor!

You did your best chef

A distraction in the kitchen can happen, even to the best of us!

I get up in the morning and I don't even know how to use the simplest thing in the kitchen...

In the meantime, the coffee just pours all over the place!

A nightmare lamb

Look at those wild staring eyes...horrific!

The first time I decided to make a delicious omlette

But then I bitterly repented...curse that pan!

Do you like this new type of pizza?

image: Twitter

It's called "pizza alla lava" and you're going to love it!

Something went wrong with my grill...

Why do these things happen to me?

Dinner's ready guys!

Pizza for everyone...

That tomato juice is a great color!

Pity it's all over my new white kitchen!

Grandma and technology

I have to say that this shot perfectly encapsulates what it means to be elderly and not being able to understand how appliances work: my grandmother knows all about it!

I imagines something quite different while I was making it...

And now in fact, it looks like a dessert from a horror film, don't you think?

Spending hours preparing an excellent dish and being "betrayed" by the oven

A picture of desperation!

Yes, that is hot tomato sauce...

image: Reddit

But don't worry, no real harm was done!

This was supposed to be a yummy peach dessert...

Pity the whole thing fell to pieces...literally!

He thinks it's a litter tray, and in fact...

Obviously I had to throw out the entire container of rice!


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